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Another state aid and another statehood


Tzouros Ypsilantis   Wednesday, 28 Sep '16

In recent years, when the state has become more and more obvious that it has created many problems in Greece, I often see people who usually do not know financially, constantly turning against the NSRF, ie state aid, without knowing that most large companies today we have received state aid at some point in their course. 

A great example is Google, Yahoo, Apple, but also other very large companies that received state aid in the research stage, but also several times later in the product development stage or even in the expansion stage.

In 1994, some of the first web search tools were created. Two Stanford students who started Yahoo! created a "table of contents" for Internet sites. Other early search engines emerged, such as Lycos and WebCrawler, which automatically began indexing web pages, focusing on keyword techniques based on search engine ranking.

Around the same time, one of the graduate students was funded by the National Science Foundation in the US to support his internet project.
  at Stanford University. The student was Larry Page.

Page revealed the shortcomings, if I may say so, in the ranking of the website.

His evolutionary leap was to recognize that the act of linking from one page to another requires conscious effort, which in turn was proof of the human judgment of the link's destination. At the individual level, each link was a simple but effective tool. But collectively, millions of these links provide a distinguishing tool for the natural selection of search results.

So I suggest that those who judge state aid as a state model, suggest a way that will help the poor to exceed their ability to do business or study, since they have no money, but may have an idea of millions or dripping eyes. of blood from reading or being born with an excellent mind.

Liberalism does not refer only to the rich, nor to companies without a state.

On the contrary, the state is supervisory and creates opportunities for all their citizens, so that they have equal opportunities based on their value. Obviously, these opportunities are created in the way economic activity is structured.

A world full of statics that those born rich will PERMANENTLY have the SAME place in social and economic becoming, will probably be an unbearably unjust and boring world, while obviously there will always be the risk of social explosion, because of this growing static in the social and become financial.


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