Lending Plan for Professional Activity of Young Scientists (DNE)

Invitation Description:
The Plan concerns a loan of up to € 25,000, with a grace period of up to 2 years and a repayment period of up to 10 years (total 10 years) and an interest rate of 3%, for the professional activity of young scientists up to 40 years, who are going to start their own business and covers the purchase of the necessary equipment for the exercise of their profession.
Beneficiaries are young scientists up to 40 years old, who are going to start their own business.
The loan amounts will be granted with funds of the Central Institution and can amount up to € 25,000 , with up to 2 years grace period and up to 10 years repayment period (the total grace period and repayment period can not exceed 10 years) and interest rate 3% .
The grant of the loan will concern the purchase of the necessary equipment for the exercise of the applicant's profession.
The viability of the applicant's professional activity will be taken into account for the approval of the application.
Applications for a second profession will be rejected.
The loans will be able to cover the expenses (all or part of them) that will be made or that are left to be made at the time of the examination of the application, provided that the applicant submits documented original invoices. Receipts of payment to be presented afterwards.
Applications from people who are employed as employees in other companies and apply for a loan to create their own unit, will be approved if deemed justified and provided that the applicant has proven some substantial steps in that direction. The withholding rate on the loan amount will be 50%.
With regard to personal businesses, the applicant must also be an employee of the company for which he is applying for a loan. In addition, for limited liability companies, the applicant should be a shareholder and in determining the amount of his lending, the percentage of his participation in the share capital of the company should be taken into account, including any share capital in the name of his wife, only when she is an employee of the company or does not engage in any other professional activity.
Where applicable, data will be required to prove that applicants have registered with the Social Security Department, the Internal Revenue Department and the VAT Service.
Requests to change the purpose of the loan and grant an extension to provide new information, after the start of the application evaluation process, will not be approved and the applicant will have to submit a new application.
Loans should be covered by life insurance.
Beneficiary applicants must hold a university-level bachelor's degree of at least 3 years or a professional degree.
Relevance of studies and professional activity no is a condition for granting the loan.
Applications for existing companies for expansion will not be accepted, even if they are underperforming.
When submitting their application, the applicants should fill in a special form regarding the Estimated Income-Expenses so that their business plan and the viability of the unit they wish to create can be studied.
The applicant's personal contribution to the investment will be required at a rate of 20% or € 5,000 , whichever is the lesser.
The personal contribution of the refugees will amount to 50% of the contribution of the rest (non-refugees).
Any approval through the Plans of the Ministry of Energy, Trade, Industry and Tourism will be seriously taken into account when evaluating the application by the Central Body.
Total Invitation Budget:
€ 5,000,000
Grant / Co-financing Rate:
Maximum : € 25,000 X 40% = € 10,000 (for 10 years)
Pursuant to the State Aid Control (de minimis aid) Regulations of 2009 and 2012.
Citizen of the Republic of Cyprus, who is a permanent resident of Cyprus and resides permanently in Cyprus and:
At any time after the Turkish invasion he was and continues to be the owner of occupied or inaccessible property by inheritance or donation.
It is understood that the current owner and all previous owners after the invasion must have a relationship with each other, as well as with the owner immediately before the invasion, up to the third degree.
It is further understood that the beneficiary is also the spouse of the owner of the occupied property.
It is further understood that the beneficiaries also include relatives who are of blood or adoption in a straight line indefinitely, and from the side up to the third degree, relatives of a person who owns occupied or inaccessible real estate.
Start of Submission of Proposals: 20/10/2015
THE Ependysis Business Consultants , with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submitted NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.
For more information call the company phones at: 2112155988 or email info@ependysis.eu