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Sub-measure 4.2 of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 - Action 4.2.1: Processing, marketing and development with a final product within Annex I of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) (agricultural product)

Sub-measure 4.2 : "Support for investments in processing, marketing and / or development of agricultural products"

THE Ependysis Business Consultants , with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submitted NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.


For more information call the company phones at: 2112155988 or email 

Action 4.2.1 : "Processing, marketing or even development with a final product within Annex I of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (agricultural product).

The application for support concerns one or more of the following eligible sectors :

  • Meat - poultry - rabbits 

  • Milk 

  • Eggs 

  • Sericulture - beekeeping - snail farming - various animals.

  • Pet food. 

  • Cereals. 

  • Oily Products (Excludes olive mill establishments).

  • Wine.

  • Fruits, vegetables, nuts, nuts.

  • Flowers (indicative: standardization and marketing of flowers).

  • Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.

  • Seeds and Propagating Material.

  • Vinegar (indicative: production of vinegar from wine, fruit and other agricultural raw materials)

Eligible investment projects

Within the framework of the Action, establishment and modernization activities are eligible for support, with or without relocation, unit as well as unit merger activities under the following conditions / exceptions:

a) The application for support concerns the production of products within Annex I of the Treaty using raw materials within Annex I of the TFEU.

b) The establishment of olive mills is not eligible.

c) The establishment of a slaughterhouse is eligible only in island areas and an annual capacity of up to 400 tons of meat.

d) The establishment of poultry slaughterhouses is eligible only in mountainous or island areas.

e) Unit modernization means the replacement and / or supplementation of mechanical equipment such as capacity expansion (if covered by the necessary permits) of active and inactive units. Exceptionally in the case of decommissioned olive mills, they may be modernized under this action and reopen with the same activity and capacity.

f) In the case of modernization without capacity increase of more than 20%, units of production of inorganic complementary feed for businesses, the units must be registered / approved in accordance with 340668 / 26-11-2008 (Government Gazette 2422 B ') JMC.

g) The relocations and mergers of units are necessarily accompanied by their modernization.

Eligible and ineligible costs

Eligible costs:

  1. Construction or improvement of building infrastructure, acquisition or improvement of real estate, where land is only eligible when it does not exceed 10% of the total investment cost. For abandoned and former industrial facilities including buildings, this limit is increased to 15%.

  2. Configuration of the surrounding area in order to serve the needs of the unit.

  3. Purchase, transport and installation of equipment, including laboratory equipment to the extent that it serves the operation of the unit. The equipment of production of energy from renewable sources, water saving and waste treatment, energy saving, is not strengthened as an individual action but as part of the total productive investment. Expenses for the connection with electricity, water supply, telephony, geothermal networks are supported if they are made within the boundaries of the plot.

  4. Purchase of new vehicles and specifically: 

    • Transport vehicles of special type products which, according to the national legislation, are considered necessary for the operation of the investment in order to ensure the quality and hygiene of the product (concerns the raw material and the produced product / by-product). Examples include: lorries transporting bulk flour silos, isothermal tanks necessary for transporting milk to the standardization - processing area, tank trucks transporting olive kernels and liquid waste of olive mills and dispersing them on agricultural land, refrigerators exclusively for transporting products animal by-products to inactivation units, with specifications in accordance with the current legislation (Reg. (EC) 1069/2009 and Reg. (EC) 142/2011), in the context of the action concerning the establishment and modernization of inactivation units for slaughter by-products. Under this action, only vehicles will be subsidized that will be approved for the transport (Animal By-Products) of category 1 SPAs whose owners will undertake to receive the dead animals from farms belonging to the geographical area for which they will be committed, in order to manage them in their business. The amount of expenditure for the purchase of special type vehicles can not exceed 10% of the budget of the investment plan. 

    • Internal means of transport that meet the needs of the investment (such as forklifts, hoists)

  5. Obtaining quality assurance certificates from competent organizations (such as ISO, HACCP, BRC Global Standards, IFS Food Standard, GLOBALG.AP), which are applied at all stages of the food chain, from the field to the shelf and ensure quality to the consumer and the safety of the food it consumes.

  6. Business equipment costs (such as purchase of fax machines, telephone systems, intercom networks, computers and peripherals, photocopiers, plant security systems, plant fire protection systems)

  7. General expenses related to the plant's facilities and equipment, such as fees for architects, engineers and consultants, fees for advice on environmental and financial sustainability, including costs for feasibility studies.

  8. Intangible expenses such as acquisition or development of software and patents, licenses, intellectual property rights, trademarks, creation of a recognizable mark (label) of the product, market research for the formation of the image of the product (packaging, marking)

Ineligible costs :

  1. Leasing of old or new building installations, regardless of their possible previous use.

  2. Maintenance projects of building installations, in the sense of individual repairs arising from the operation of the company and maintenance projects of mechanical equipment.

  3. Temporary projects not directly related to the execution of the operation (eg temporary shed for storage of materials, etc.).

  4. Green works (tree planting, lawn, etc.) as well as decoration works.

  5. Road construction works outside the boundaries of the unit's installation plot.

  6. Expenses of all kinds, contributions, taxes, fees, budgetary charges, VAT recoverable, compensations, insurance premiums in favor of third parties.

  7. Leisure equipment (such as audio and video reproduction equipment, etc.).

  8. Other office equipment (typewriters, calculators, furniture, etc.).

  9. Purchase of depreciable materials in less than a year.

  10. Used vehicles and equipment.

  11. Expenses for simple replacement of mechanical equipment, of similar category, size or capacity, even when done with the installation of a new one, provided that the equipment being replaced has not been depreciated.

  12. Investment costs of submitted support applications financed by another investment program.

  13. Expenditure to comply with Union standards.

  14. Requested expenditure, the implementation of which was not approved during the administrative control of the support application.

  15. Cost overruns other than those accepted in the context of a beneficiary modification request.

  16. Staff remuneration, including social security charges, payable by the beneficiary to his staff, unless he was hired to work solely for the implementation of the investment and to be dismissed upon completion. Staff training is not eligible for assistance except in the case of certifications (eg HACCP) in new technologies.

  17. Expenditure related to capacity building in sectors where there is a restriction on production by the CMO of agricultural products.

  18. Dismantling and demolition costs in general. Expenses for the cleaning of the original site in cases of relocation and costs of dismantling and transporting the old equipment or part of it to the new location.

  19. Expenses related to the construction of a website and the creation of printed advertising material of the unit.

Notes :

  • Expenses of work carried out before the date of submission of the application for support, are not eligible (Article 60, Reg. (EU) 1305/2013). In order for the aid to be paid, the requested costs must have been incurred and reimbursed after the date of application for support. Exceptionally, the general expenses are considered eligible and are co-financed if they have been incurred after 01.01.2014 (article 65 par. 2 of Reg. (EU) 1303/2013).

  • Expenses related to requests for modification of the beneficiary submitted in accordance with no. 1065 / 19.4.2016 (Β΄1273 / 4.5.2016) decision, are eligible, if they have been implemented after the date of submission of the application for support, except for the exceptions provided in paragraph 2 of article 65 of Regulation 1303/2013. Until the positive evaluation and approval of the request for modification is registered in the PSC, it is not possible to submit a request for payment and the payment of financial support for the expenses related to the relevant modification request.


The public Aid of this call amounts to € 120,000,000 (one hundred and twenty million euros) and is co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the Greek State.

The budget limits for each investment project are as follows:

Minimum requested budget: € 600,000

Maximum requested budget: 5,000,000 €

Aid intensity

The aid percentages for the requested PC amount to up to 75%, in particular:

  • Small Aegean islands (North Aegean, South Aegean): 75%

  • Western Greece, Thessaly, Epirus, Central Macedonia, Eastern Macedonia - Thrace, Ionian Islands, Peloponnese, Crete: 50%

  • Attica, Central Greece, Western Macedonia: 40%

  • or up to 65% if the institution has received other government grants in the last 3 years.

The percentages corresponding to the above categorization of the Regions are increased once by 20 percentage points, provided that the maximum combined support does not exceed 90%, in the case of actions related to mergers of producer organizations under action 4.2.1.

Mergers of producer organizations wishing to be supported under this action and at the same time supported by another program as a merger of producers' organizations, submit a decision on their funding percentage, in order to correctly calculate the percentage of funding they will receive from the EAFRD.

Submission dates

The submission of electronic applications for support and application files to the PSKE started on May 16, 2017 and ends on May 31 , 2017.  December 2017.

Short Action newsletter 4.2.1

Multi-page Action newsletter 4.2.1

Annex I TFEU

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