Program: "EUROSTARS Cyprus"

The "EUROSTARS Cyprus" Program aims to encourage innovative SMEs to participate in transnational research activities and enhance their competitiveness through the creation of new products / services / production methods of high added value or the creation of substantially improved existing products / services / are expected to be directly commercialized by the participating entities. In addition, it aims at networking and cooperation of Cypriot institutions with foreign institutions, through their participation in international research projects of industrial research and development.
Invitation Description:
This Program is the funding mechanism for Cypriot organizations wishing to participate in international projects of the joint European Program EUROSTARS. The Program, in which 36 European countries participate, is an initiative of EUREKA and is part of Article 185 of the EU Treaty, which provides for joint funding of research projects by EU member states and the EU. EUROSTARS program is the encouragement of Small and Medium Enterprises - SMEs (R&D Performing SMEs) to participate in research activities.
Total Invitation Budget:
€ 400,000
Grant / Co-financing Rate:
Maximum Funding per Project - € 175,000 (For the Cyprus Cooperation Network)
In the event that a Cypriot body assumes the role of Coordinator of the Transnational Cooperation Network, the maximum amount of funding for organizations from Cyprus may amount to € 200,000 .
The maximum aid intensity for Businesses and Other Private Sector Entities can not exceed 70% .
Private Bodies
Nonprofit organizations
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Researchers / Research Centers / Organizations
Local Government Principles
Educational institutions
Non-Governmental Organizations
Associations / Associations
Trade Unions
Training Centers
Central Government
Government Agencies and Government Enterprises
Big companies
Contractor (of the Cypriot Network) can be a Small or Medium Enterprise (B1, B.2), or a Research Organization Provided that the Cypriot Network will include a Small or Medium Enterprise.
Research Organizations, Businesses and Other Bodies have the right to participate as Collaborating Bodies (of the Cypriot Network). The Transnational Cooperation Network, in addition to the Cypriot participation, must include at least one other Body from a Cooperation Country participating in the EUROSTARS Program.
Start of Submission of Proposals: 18/07/2017
Deadline for Submission of Proposals: 15/09/2017
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