Home Savings Program II

The new "Save at Home" program will provide - in the form of grants and repayable aid through the "Save at Home" Fund as well as in the form of co-financing - close to € 300 million from the NSRF and will be mobilized in total , with the leverage that will be achieved, more than € 400 million for the real economy. Beneficiaries are expected to reach 40,000 homes .
The purpose of the establishment of the Portfolio Fund is to support interventions aimed at energy efficiency and upgrading of homes, the use of renewable energy sources, smart energy management, etc. in order to reduce the consumption of primary energy.
In the course of the implementation of the operation, and taking into account the financing needs of energy interventions in the domestic sector and the goal of achieving maximum leverage of initially available resources, resources from other alternative sources of funding (private, European, national) can be invested in the Portfolio Fund. etc.).
The announcement of the program is expected in the first quarter of 2017. The application process will be done through an electronic platform. In this way, the monitoring of the progress of the applications is ensured by all those involved, including the citizens.
The basic elements of the program that significantly differentiate it from its previous implementation are:
There are several types of subsidy income. Although family and individual income remains the main criterion for classification in specific categories of subsidy, the parameter of protected members is added, ie the more protected members there are, the higher the grant rate will be with a maximum of 70%.
Higher energy saving goals through more comprehensive interventions.
The maximum eligible budget per house is 25,000 euros
Bank lending is not mandatory. In this way, those interested can use only own funds in combination with the grant in order to supplement the budget of eligible costs.
The current prices for the subsidized items (for the shell and the electromechanical installations) will be updated, in order to better reflect the market and to avoid overpricing.
It will be possible to hire an energy consultant to prepare the application, while energy savings and ensuring the implementation of interventions will be certified by an energy inspection before and after the interventions
It will be possible for only one application per interested party, except in the case of an application by all apartment building owners.
The new implementation proposal also takes into account socio-economic criteria. The combination of a grant and a repayable aid averages 50:50.
THE Ependysis Business Consultants , with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submitted NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.
For more information call the company phones at: 2112155988 or email info@ependysis.eu .