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Horizon 2020 - Environment

With support from  Horizon 2020 you will be able to conduct international research projects in support of EU policies for the environment

With a successful application of the program, companies will receive:

  • 1-5 mil.  EUR for technology and product development

  • IPR - Intellectual Property Rights

  • Network of partners for development

  • Access to new markets

  • Technology and knowledge transfer

The purpose of Horizon 2020 Environment is to increase European competitiveness and create new jobs.

Below are the upcoming deadlines for Horizon 2020 Environment. Expect 1-2 months for the proposal writing process.

Electric Mobility Europe 2016

Deadline: February 06, 2017

The Electric Mobility Europe Call 2016 wants to  promote and advance electric mobility in Europe. Funded projects  shall focus on the application and implementation of e-mobility in urban and suburban areas and their expected outcomes are likely to include an:

  • Intensified uptake of e-mobility in urban and suburban areas

  • Improved connectivity between electric vehicles and the existing infrastructure

  • Increased choice for customers or consumers seeking to reduce the environmental impact of their travel.

The EMEurope Call 2016 will support Research & Innovation projects addressing the following 5 key areas of electric mobility:

  1. System integration (transport, urban and sub-urban areas);

  2. Integration of urban freight and city logistics in e-mobility;

  3. Smart Mobility concepts and ICT applications;

  4. Public Transport;

  5. Consumer behavior and societal trends.



BG-07-2017: Blue green innovation for clean coasts and seas

Deadline: February 14, 2017

The proposals should be for demonstration projects to clean and lay the ground for a healthy ocean or sea and its coasts in any given large geographic area (s), including regional seas or semi-closed sea basins such as the Mediterranean. The demonstration projects should develop and scale-up innovative processes and measures to clean the selected site72 from visible (for example floating plastics or abandoned fishing gear) and invisible litter (micro-plastics) and pollutants73, involving local communities and actors. Collected waste materials should be adequately processed so as to enable a subsequent usage / exploitation / re-use.  



SC5-08-2017: Large-scale demonstrators on nature-based solutions for hydro- meteorological risk reduction

Deadline: March 07, 2017

Via large-scale demonstration, projects should aim to  

  • Develop, demonstrate and deploy innovative systemic and yet locally attuned nature- based solution

  • Develop a comprehensive framework for the comparison of green and blue / gray / hybrid hydro-meteorological risk prevention and reduction solutions

  • Identify and assess barriers related to their social and cultural acceptance and policy regulatory frameworks and propose ways to overcome them 

  • Develop methodologies, tools and best practices enabling the replication and up-scaling of nature-based solutions in different contexts 

  • Provide a consolidated evidence-base on co-development processes, performance standards, cost-effectiveness, operational requirements, life cycle costs and the multiple benefits of nature-based solutions 

  • Establish long-term sustainable data platforms considering existing initiatives and alternative options



CIRC-01-2016-2017: Systemic, eco-innovative approaches for the circular economy: large-scale demonstration projects - 2017

Deadline: March 07, 2017

Proposals shall address: Systemic services for the circular economy (2017): To demonstrate through large scale projects the economic and environmental feasibility of circular economic business models that underpin new services based on performance / functionality rather than ownership, and / or on mass customization, including through supporting demand side measures. Proposals should adopt a systemic eco-innovative approach addressing all forms of innovation, combining technological, organizational, societal, cultural and behavioral innovation, and strengthening the participation of civil society. Such an approach can foster new forms of collaboration between end-users, producers and researchers. In particular proposals should consider ways of supporting co-creation by developing, experimenting and demonstrating new business models together with end-users, taking into consideration their needs, including gender dimension, thus enabling the development of value adding solutions. Business models that foster new services and consumption and production patterns will require support to end-users in the transition to the circular economy by raising awareness and knowledge sharing activities on circular economy models. The proposals should include an outline business plan which can be developed further in the course of the project.  



CIRC-02-2016-2017: Water in the context of the circular economy - 2017

Deadline: March 07, 2017

Proposals shall address: Towards the next generation of water systems and services– large scale demonstration projects (2017): The objective of this topic is to demonstrate innovative solutions at a large scale (ie regions, cities and / or river basins), in line with EIP Water priorities and the objectives of the Water Framework Directive. Proposals should focus on developing the water services of the future, going beyond water supply sustainability addressing the different water value chains. They should integrate, for instance, the management of water resources and the provision of water services, expanding the re-use of treated waste water and the use of desalinated water (where appropriate), ensuring carbon neutral water services, and closing the water cycle by increasing the efficiency of wastewater treatment plants, including the recovery of energy and the re-use of chemicals and nutrients.  

​​​Ependysis Business Consultants can prepare you in the submission of the investment file, as well as to help you arrange the partners of the project.  

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