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Innovative collaborative business clusters in RIS3 (Innovation Clusters)


The action aims to strengthen integrated programs for the creation and support of innovative collaborative clusters of companies and research institutions.
The goal of innovative clusters is the development and utilization of innovative products and services of high added value, with international recognition and a high degree of competitiveness. Cluster companies can use innovative technologies, innovative production level (process level), operational, organizational innovation (system level), etc.
As part of the action, networks of companies and research bodies will be identified, under the representation and coordination of a support body. These networks should have all the necessary elements but also the possibilities to evolve into innovative clusters of companies in the thematic areas of RIS3 in which there is a competitive advantage for the country, with areas of specialization that arise through the processes of business discovery of the National Smart Specialization.


The action will be developed in two stages:
  During the 1st stage , business plans are submitted by the supporting body (business plan), in which networks of companies and research bodies participate, in the above areas of the National Strategy. After evaluation, the proposals that will be selected are included for funding in terms of the implementation of the pilot phase of the helper body in order to support the development of the cluster. The number of proposals to be approved will depend on the amount of funds available, in relation to the budgets of the business plans that will be submitted.

  During the 2nd stage and after evaluation, all those innovative business clusters, which will have successfully completed the implementation of the 1st Stage, will be able to finance further actions of the business clusters, potentially in collaboration with research bodies, to create new products and applications, with a strong element of innovation and competitiveness.

Potential beneficiaries

Knowledge-intensive businesses, newly established and existing to support.


The indicative budget of the action amounts to 24,000,000 € (public expenditure). The total budget of the action amounts to € 31.6 million.

Estimated date of issue of the invitation : B 'quarter 2017

Duration of investment projects : 24-30  months.

THE  Ependysis Business Consultants , with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submitted NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.


For more information call the company phones at: 2112155988 or email  .

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