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"Bilateral and Multilateral S&T Cooperation Greece - Germany"

The General Secretariat for Research & Technology (GSRT) of the Ministry of Education, Research & Religions invites interested parties to submit their proposals. Beneficiaries are a) research organizations (Universities & Research Centers), b) companies and c) other bodies (public and other bodies).


The thematic priorities of the Actions are the following:


1. Agri-food : Sustainable development of primary production and processing with emphasis on bio-economy

2. Life Sciences, Health and Medicine: Translational epidemiological studies of human zoonotic infectious diseases

3. Energy :

  • Energy saving technologies

  • RES energy generation and storage technologies

  • Smart networks and transmission and distribution systems

  • Reducing the effects of using conventional fuels

  • Scientific and technological (S&T) support for national energy policy

4. Materials and Constructions: Nanotechnology focused on nano-carbon structures with applications in membranes and porous media for industrial applications

5. Culture, Tourism, Culture / Innovation and Social Challenges:

  • Cultural heritage research activities: digital cultural stock documentation

  • Development of cultural and institutional innovations in industry, governance, administration and civil society


6. Key Enabling Technologies (KETs), with interdisciplinary character: Optical Technologies - Optical Metrology with applications in cross-sectoral interventions (industry-led projects).


The budget of the Public Expenditure of the National Action "Bilateral and Multilateral S&T Cooperation Greece-Germany" amounts to 9,000,000 € , co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and from National Resources (Public Expenditure) and distributed throughout the country as follows:

Eligible Costs

1. Aid for research and development projects

  • staff costs: researchers and technicians to the extent that they are directly employed

  • costs of instruments and equipment, to the extent and for how long they are used for the project

  • costs for buildings and land, to the extent and for how long they are used for the project

  • costs for contract research, knowledge and patents purchased or obtained with permission from external sources in compliance with the principle of equal distances, as well as costs for consulting and equivalent services used exclusively for the project

  • additional overheads and other operating costs, including the cost of materials, supplies and related products, which are a direct result of the project

  • costs for feasibility studies are the costs of conducting the study.


2. Aid for innovation for SMEs

  • the costs of obtaining, validating and protecting patents and other intangible assets

  • the costs of seconding, from a research and dissemination agency or a large undertaking, highly qualified staff engaged in research, development and innovation activities to new posts created for this purpose to the beneficiary company and not replacing other staff

  • expenditure on consulting and support services in the field of innovation.


3. Aid for procedural and organizational innovation

  • staff costs

  • costs of instruments, equipment, to the extent and for how long they are used for the project

  • costs for buildings and land, to the extent and for how long they are used for the project

  • costs for contract research, knowledge and patents purchased or obtained by licensing from external sources in compliance with the principle of equal distances

  • additional overheads and other operating costs, including the cost of materials, supplies and related products, which are a direct result of the project.


Within the framework of the Action, expenditures for the execution of research projects and innovation in thematic priorities of the National Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3) 2014-2020 are subsidized. The subsidized budget , from the Greek side, per project can reach up to 350,000 € .


The duration of the implementation of the projects of the Bilateral and Multilateral S&T Cooperations of Greece-Germany, depending on the implementation project, is up to three (3) years from the date of the project integration decision . The start date and eligibility of costs of each project is defined as the date of electronic submission of the proposal in this Invitation.


The start date for the electronic submission of proposals to the State Aid Management Information System is set at 15/12/2016 with a closing date of 03/03/2017 at 16:00 .

THE  Ependysis Business Consultants , with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submitted NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.


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