The Greek Parliament passed the new Development Law 4887/2022, entitled "Development Law - Greece Strong Development". The Development Law defines the conditions for inclusion as well as the framework for the establishment of schemes for the granting of state aid. Through this framework, thirteen new aid schemes are introduced that will allow the business community to design, develop and implement its initiatives with significant and modern forms of investment in all sectors of the Greek economy.
In addition, in combination with the new Regional Aid Charter, an aid rate of up to 80% is provided.
Information Law of Development Law 4877/2022
Types of Aid:
Leasing subsidy
Tax exemption
Subsidizing the cost of employment created
Stabilization of income tax rate
Business risk financing through participation funds (for the New Business status).
All the above forms of aid are provided individually or in combination depending on the aid schemes of the laws.
Eligible players:
Eligible are companies that are established or have a branch in Greece and have one of the following forms: commercial company, cooperative, social cooperative enterprises, Agricultural cooperatives, Producer Groups, Agricultural corporate partnerships of Law 4384/2016, those under establishment or merger companies, with the obligation to have completed the publicity procedures before the start of works of the investment plan, companies that operate in the form of a joint venture with the condition of their registration in GEMI, public or municipal companies under conditions, as well as Individual companies - with maximum eligibility cost of investment plan amounting to € 200,000 and only for the status 'Agro-nutrition - Primary Production and Processing of Agricultural Products - Fisheries'.
Minimum amount of investment plans:
The minimum eligible amount of the investment for the inclusion of investment projects in this aid scheme is determined on the basis of the size of the entity, ie:
a. for large companies, in the amount of five hundred thousand (500,000) euros,
b. for medium-sized enterprises and cooperatives in the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) euros,
c. for small enterprises, in the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) euros,
d. for very small enterprises, in the amount of one hundred thousand (100,000) euros,
e. for cooperatives, in the amount of fifty thousand (50,000) euros.
Own participation:
The participation of the entity in the cost of the investment plan can be done either through own funds or with external financing , provided that 25% of the total investment cost does not contain any state aid, support or provision.
Map of Regional Aid / Aid Rates
*: In parts of these regions the percentages will be increased by 10% for the SDAM regions. For the North Aegean region the aid percentage cannot exceed 75%
Eligible costs:
A. Tangible assets :
Construction, expansion, modernization of building facilities and special and auxiliary facilities of buildings and the configuration of the surrounding area. In total, they may not exceed 45% of the total eligible costs. For investment projects in the tourism sector as well as crop production projects in greenhouses, the rate is set at 60% for building costs, while for investments in the Logistics sector at 70% also for the building costs of these investment projects. Finally, for buildings that are classified as preservable, this rate is 80%.
Purchase of all existing fixed assets, for SMEs, under certain conditions.
Purchase and installation of new modern machinery and other equipment, technical installations and means of transportation.
Leases of financial leasing of new modern machinery and other equipment.
Special & mechanical installations.
B. Intangible assets
Technology transfer, copyright market, licenses, patents, know-how and non-proprietary technical knowledge
Quality assurance systems, certifications, software procurement and installation and business organization systems
For Large Enterprises the eligible costs for intangible assets may not exceed 50% of the total eligible costs and for SMEs 75%.
Wage cost
Conditions for increasing salary costs
Mandatory net increase in the number of Annual Work Units (EMUs) compared to the EMUs of the previous twelve months from the date of application
the vacancies must be filled within 3 years from the date of completion and start of production operation
Compulsory retention of jobs for 3 years after filling for SMEs and for 5 years for Large Enterprises in terms of General Entrepreneurship and New Independent SME schemes
Other categories of expenses
Consulting fees for SMEs. They are supported only for new small and medium enterprises and for an amount of up to 50,000 € (up to 5% of the total supported costs).
Start-up costs for start-ups & start-ups small and very small businesses and for up to 20% of the supported costs with a maximum of € 200,000 For innovative small and very small businesses the limits are doubled.
Expenditure on research and development projects (expenditure on staff, buildings, instruments, equipment, etc.)
Innovation costs for SMEs relate to a budget of up to 20% of the total supported costs and up to € 200,000
Expenditures for procedural and organizational innovation with a budget of up to 10% of the total supported costs and up to € 100,000
Expenditure on environmental protection.
Investment costs for energy efficiency measures.
Investment costs for cogeneration of high efficiency energy from RES.
Costs for energy production from RES
Costs for installation of efficient district heating and cooling systems
Expenditure on the rehabilitation of contaminated areas
Expenditure on recycling and reuse of waste
Expenditure on vocational training
Expenditure on SME participation in trade fairs
Aid for disadvantaged workers
Special categories of aid:
The percentage of aid in the form of a capital grant is set at 80% of the H.P.E. To take a business aid rate at 100% the rate set out in the Regional Aid Charter, depending on the respective aid scheme, should belong to at least one of the following cases:
Implement an investment plan eligible for submission to the New Business status or the Fair Development Transition status *.
To implement an investment plan in its special areas as they will be defined in a relevant annex of the law (mountainous, island, border, affected by natural disasters).
To implement its investment plan in Industrial and Business Areas (B.E.PE.), Business Parks (OP) excluding the Business Parks of Intermediate Organization (E.P.E.B.O.), Technology Parks and Receptive Pockets for Innovative Activities (THYKT) and Organized Receivers of Manufacturing and Business Activities (OYMED), as long as they do not concern the modernization or expansion of existing structures of the supported company.
To implement an investment plan in buildings designated as protected (at 90% of HPE).
To implement an investment plan concerning the reopening of industrial units, which have ceased their operation, and the value of the fixed equipment of the industrial unit, which is to be reopened, covers at least fifty percent (50%) of the increased cost of the investment plan .
In order for a company to apply for the aid in the form of a grant it must belong to the Very Small or Small Enterprises.
Especially for the areas belonging to the Depoliticization Zones, according to law 4759/2020 (Florina, Kozani, Megalopolis) a combination of grant aid and tax exemption may be defined for medium-sized enterprises, the same will apply under restrictions and for the investment plans implemented by medium-sized enterprises in the regional units of Rodopi, Evros and Xanthi.
In the investment projects implemented in the regional units of Rodopi, Evros and Xanthi, the incentive of the grant is provided at a rate of 60% for the Regional Unit of Evros and 30% for the Regional Units of Rodopi and Xanthi, of the provided by the other provisions of this with the remaining tax exemption rates being 40% and 70% respectively.
Note: For the "Fair Development Transition" scheme, aid rates for eligible initial investment expenditures are granted on the basis of the intensities of the Regional Aid Charter, regardless of the size of the entity.
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