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NSRF 2014-2020: Pre-publication of Industrial Research & Technology Development Program (PAVET)

Aimed at companies of all sizes or partnerships between companies independent of each other (with the possibility of assigning part of the project, subcontractors, to RTD executives) for the implementation of S&T projects in focused sectors,


1. Agri-food, 2.Health & Medicines, 3.Environment & Sustainable Development, 4 Energy


Eligible Businesses


Greek companies (SA, LTD, OE, EU, IKE of the private and / or public sector, as well as agricultural cooperatives or their associations / partnerships) of any size, which at the date of submission of their proposal have closed at least one annual financial year . It is possible for part of the project to be executed, on a contract basis (subcontracting), by Research & Technological Development (EDF) executing bodies.



1. Universities (Universities, TEI), Public Research Centers or Institutes.

2.Research University Institutes and Center for Technological Research of TEI.

3. Bodies of article 12 of L.3297 / 23.12.2004.

4.Specialized Businesses.

5. Higher Military Educational Institutions


Budget limits per project and aid rates


A. One (1) or two (2) companies - Up to € 400,000 B. At least three (3) independent companies - Up to € 800,000


Eligible Costs


1. Staff costs (scientists, researchers, technicians, and other support staff) to be used for the project implementation needs.

2. Expenses for the purchase of instruments and equipment, used exclusively and on a permanent basis in the project.

3. Expenditures for the purchase of technology-know-how, used exclusively for the research activity.

4. Expenditure on contract research by legal and natural persons (up to 35% of the total budget of each beneficiary, or up to 50% in the case of three independent SMEs).

5. Additional overheads (eg travel expenses, promotion of project activities, and consumables).

6. Costs of securing industrial property rights (applies only to SMEs).


Research Category


Industrial Research -  Experimental Development.


Duration of projects


The duration of a proposed project can range from 12 to 24 months.


Proposal procedure


The submission is done electronically through the website of GSRT, after registration and creation.


Evaluation of proposals .


The proposals are evaluated by 5-member evaluation committees, the members of which are appointed by the GSRT. Particular emphasis in the evaluation process is given to issues such as:


• Quality-reliability of the bodies (weighting factor 25%): evaluation of the organizational structure, the possibility of technical, administrative and financial support of the project, as well as the experience and reliability / suitability of the  project contributors.

• Scientific and technological quality of the proposal (weighting factor 35%): quality and perfection of the proposal, efficiency and suitability of the proposed methodology-technology, feasibility of the project, clarity of deliverables.

• Impact and utilization of results (Weight factor 40%): ability of actors to utilize research results and the overall impact of the project on the production process / increase the competitiveness of the participating companies and the impact on the economy and society or the environment.

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