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Start Up Nation Romania - 2017


Cine poate să obţină aceşti bani?

For accessing the Romania Startup Nation program, solitaire firms need to be interdependent, multi-conditioned, otherwise, but the most important are:

- Sunt SRL-D, SRL sau cooperatii.

- If you do not find the data you want to visit OUG-ului 10 / 30.01.2017

- The date of the general budget consolidated and the local budget

- Au codul CAEN autorizat la ONRC in momentul depunerii  primei cereri de tragere.

- Creeaza minim 1 loc  de  you can change the course of the putin 2 ani dupa project implementation.

- Actionarul / actionarii  nu au sau nu au avut calitatea  to associate with the association within an IMM (SRL, SA or SRLD) care  desfășoară sau a desfășurat aceeași  authorize activity for application care in  program frame in the anterior annulus  insueri sau în anul insscrierii până la  deschiderea sesiunii de înscriere.

To check the CAEN code eligibility, you can check the receipt form. In acelasi timp, puteti verifica si punctajul pe care il va primi codul CAEN cu care doriti sa aplicati. Atentia insa, the list of CAEN codes is a proposition, it is possible that in the final version there are many or only valid codes, which need to be verified in the current position of a final participant.

Câţi bani pot să iau?

200,000 lei (approximately 44,000 euros) is the maximum maximum amount in the program framework. This represents or contributes a maximum of 100% of the project value.

Cum pot cheltui aceşti bani?

Legitimate eligibles are represented by:

  • echipamente si utilaje

  • spatii de lucru

  • aututilitare

  • autoturismele limitate insa la 36.000 si doar unul singur pe sociectate. Limitations are not available for taxi, driver school, car rental activities

  • air conditioning / inclining equipment

  • obtaining equipment for an energy economy

  • IT equipment

  • furniture

  • birotica

  • chirii doar for spatii care nu au destinatie locativa

  • complete circular salivary gland medial salivary gland

  • make presenter web pages - limit 8000 lei

  • francize

  • licente

  • reprint courses

  • software

  • consultant (limited to 8000 lei).

  • In this case TVA-ul, aceasta este  eligibila pentru firmele care nu sunt platitare de TVA.

Bonurile achizitionate in cadruul programului trebuie sa fie noi, nu se accepta second hand precum nici variante de finantare prin leasing.

Up to period inscrierilor, urmeaza evaluarea projectile, in ordinea punctajului obtinut, perioada care e posibil sa dureze mai mult de o luna. Eligibility condition is a project with a minimum of 50 points.

Ependysis Business Consultants ,  with care taken in the course of verification and not counting the investment proposals of investment programs, which can be determined by the success of the project, and by the design of the project.

Activated in all of Europe, it is possible to plan by planning the development plan of a dumneavoastrme firm.


Send me more information about your company phone at +30  211 2155988  ori trimiteți email  la , and on facebook:  , unde cadru de-al nostru vă va răspunde direct.

La fel, la What's App: +30 6909398282 


Beneficiaries of the program:

To access the Startup Nation Romania program, applicant companies must meet several conditions, of which the most important are listed below:

Companies founded by individuals after 30 January 2017 and fulfilling the relevant eligibility criteria at the date of submission of their application for funding, may benefit from the program.

- Are SRL-D, LLC or co-operatives.

- They have no  debts to the general consolidated budget and local budgets

- They have the NACE  code  authorized by the NTC at the time of filling the  first application of fire.

- Create at least one job and maintain it for a period of at least two years after implementation.

- shareholder (s) are not or were not  shareholder (s) or partner (s) in another SME (LLC, SA or SRLD) carrying or having carried out the same activity authorized for that applied for the previous year.

How much money can I get?

200,000 lei (about 44,000 euros) of non repayable financing.  This is a contribution of up to 100% of the project.

How can I spend this money?

Eligible expenses are:

  • Cost of renting workplaces, production, provision of services and trade, provided that the premises are not used as residential houses

  • Utilities (electricity, gas, sewerage, telephone and internet)

  • Technology equipment such as PCs, server, screen, printer / copier systems, licensing required for the activity, audio-video systems, necessary special equipment required to operate the business according to the activity

  • Means of transport such as: cars, buses, trucks, bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, lifts, loaders, trailers and semi-trailers, lorries and special-purpose vehicles, with the exception of off-road vehicles. No vehicles are financed for the carriage of goods for hire or reward, required by haulers. Maximum eligible purchase cost of vehicles 36,000 Lei (approx. 7,887 €) and maximum 1 car / beneficiary

  • Purchase of furniture, office equipment and security systems

  • Purchase of equipment / special equipment, energy saving and renewable energy systems to optimize the activities for which funding is requested

  • Purchase of facilities for the heating or air conditioning of the area in which the activities are implemented

  • Salaries, with a maximum level of 3,137 Lei (approx. € 657) (net income) / employee / month) to which the employer's contributions will be added. The ammount of the salary for the new jobs created by the program should be maintained throughout the retention obligation of the enterprise for 2 years after the project is completed

  • Creation of  website for the presentation and promotion of the applicant and his products or services, including online advertising and non-hosting domain registration costs, for businesses that have no other website and which must be operational at the time of the application and for the entire monitoring period . Maximum eligible value of up to 8,000 Lei (approx.  € 1,752)

  • Intangible property related to patents, franchising licenses, eco-labeling costs

  • Courses for the development of business skills  -  held in Romania or in another EU member state - for a member / manager of the enterprise, with a maximum eligible cost of 3,000 Lei (approx. 657 €)

  • VAT on businesses which are not obliged to submit VAT based on the Tax Code

  • Consultancy services with a maximum eligible amount of 8,000 Lei (approximately 1,752 €). This activity may take place before the signing of the financing agreement

  • Indispensable software to conduct the activity for which funding is requested, including software licenses and e-shops

  • The financial cost of loans / guarantees for loans received by beneficiaries in order to complete the business plans agreed under the program for applicants using the credit for the project


  • One of the mandatory conditions to be fulfilled when applying is that the company needs to employ at least one full-time employee for an indefinite period of time and these job (s) should continue to exist for at least three years from the year in which the aid is granted to the company.

  • In terms of rent a car, driving schools and taxis, there is no limit to the maximum value and the number of vehicles purchased.

  • The duration of the program is defined for one (1) year.

  • The start up company must remain open for at least 3 years after the program is completed. Failure to comply with this obligation results in penalties being imposed on all grant amounts.

Ependysis Business Consultants can prepare you in the submission of the investment file, as well as  help you arrange the partners of the project.

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