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Modern Processing
sygxronh metapoihsh sth dytikh

The "Modern Processing" Program concerns the financing of business plans of small and medium enterprises and aims at the transformation of the manufacturing production base of the Greek Economy towards new or differentiated production lines, products and processing services with extrovert orientation.

Content of Investment Plans

In terms of its content , it will include three (3) distinct options for companies that will submit relevant applications for inclusion in the program:

Manufacturing differentiation - productive transformation .

Eligible will be actions for the transformation of the production base of enterprises with new (or even pilot) production processes, new products and introduction in the production process - their supply of high technology processes and innovation. Also, activities for the development of new products and services will be strengthened, with emphasis on meeting the immediate needs of the market, such as business collaborations-synergies, as well as increasing productivity and reducing the cost of production and distribution of products and services.

Digital Industry .

It aims at the development and support of digitized and flexible production lines, as well as the design and distribution of products and services. Promotes the participation of companies in high value-added chains, especially if they have an inter-regional or international dimension.

Energy efficiency for SMEs .

It focuses on providing support to SMEs to improve the energy efficiency of their production process and to prepare for the implementation of future Community energy standards in the field of energy consumption in the production of products and related services.

The business plans will last 36 months.

Recipients - Beneficiaries
The action will concern:
• existing manufacturing Medium -sized enterprises with a turnover of over 10 million euros and a staff of 50-250 people .
• or start-ups , in eligible KADs of strategic priority areas, mainly in manufacturing but also in other related activities, such as the supply chain sector.

Branches - Areas of Activity

  • Mainly Manufacturing activities either pre-existing or under construction (new manufacturing activity by manufacturing or non-manufacturing companies)

  • Manufacturing economic activities that fall under or support activities that are part of the (8) strategic sectors of the country

  • Related and related activities such as supply chain activities (Logistics, Third party logistics).

Funding Framework
The total approved budget of the program amounts to 100 million euros with 40% (40 million euros) being public expenditure .

Project Budget

The Eligible Budget of investment plans can range from € 250,000 -3,000,000 €.

Aid Rates

Aid rates range from 20% to 45% depending on the size of the business and the location of the investment.

The invitation of the Modern Processing program is expected to be issued in the Fall of 2016 .

THE Ependysis Business Consultants , with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submitted NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.

For more information call the company phones at: 2112155988 or email  .

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