Horizontal Projects - Med
What is a Horizontal project?
Horizontal projects are the unifying element of a thematic community of projects. They are in charge of community building activities, joint communication and joint capitalisation of the relevant projects. They shall allow real synergies and provide a better visibility to reach policy making level.
Under the monitoring of the Programme Authorities, Horizontal projects will have the task to promote the modular projects’ communication and capitalisation actions within a joint framework, in order to better highlight the interests of the programme as well as of the transnational projects themselves.
Horizontal projects will not implement and achieve their own territorial objectives but will gather results in progress and facilitate transfer from modular projects to other communities (institutional, scientific and thematic European networks/stakeholders).
They will:
Capture elements of the modular projects within each thematic Specific Objective and for the MED area as a whole; analyse them, summarise and ensure their transnational dissemination and transferability, in cooperation with the programme Authorities.
Provide the frame to develop synergies, produce summaries and qualitative analysis as well as coordinate and manage (under supervision of the JS) communication of a community of projects.
Structure and disseminate a message for the entire MED community and work on thematic inter-axes links (1, 2 and 3) and with the Axis 4 “platform” project (governance).
Help and support the communication and capitalisation of selected modular projects for each call and for each specific objective. Each modular project will be linked to a horizontal project and should contribute to its communication and capitalisation activities.
The pre-application phase for Horizontal projects will be opened from 10th November 2015 to 11th January 2016.
An information seminar took place in Marseille on 22nd September.
The Programme’s expections for these projects were explained and details on the Terms of Reference and the application procedure given